Art Deco Fabric
To see our Art Deco fabric, including Art Deco Curtain fabric and Art Deco Upholstery Fabric, simply go to the images on the right side of the page and click.
Fabric styles from the Art Deco period - which embrace modernity and technological progress - are characterised by squares, rectangles, diamonds, straight lines, geometric designs and symmetry. This sets the period apart the previous Art Nouveau period which embraced natural curved designs, natural motifs, and sinuous elaborate lines. Both Art Nouveau and Art Deco are derived from the somewhat earlier Arts and Crafts movement and both represent a shift away from fussy prosaic Victorian styles.
Art deco fabric and wallpapers from the Art Deco period typically display either linear geometric motifs or, also popular at that time, repeated sunrise, floral or shell patterns, as shown in the picture below.
Art Deco Upholstery Fabric
Our Lazenby collection of small diamond pattern fabric, and our hale collection of geometric patterned chenilles, are ideal for creating an Art Deco interior.
Upholstery fabric with a small diamond or geometric pattern is a great choice: the pattern breaks the fabric up so that it is easy on the eye and, because both collections have a small pattern repeat distance, there is relatively little waste when the upholsterer is working with the cloth.
Art Deco Curtain Fabric
To see our art deco curtain fabric see our Berkeley range of diamond pattern cloth.