Upholstery Fabric and Curtain Fabric in Dumfriesshire
Are you looking for upholstery fabric or curtain fabric in Dumfriesshire, Dumfries and Galloway? Whether you're in Gretna Green, Moffat, Wigtown, Port Patrick, Stranraer, or Wanlock Head your search is at an end: simply browse our wide range of top quality fabrics on our easy to use website, order as many free samples as you wish, and then order straight to your door with free delivery.
Dumfriesshire which lies along the shore of the Solway Firth between Kirkcudbrightshire and Cumberland, with Lanarkshire to the north.The town and villages in this beautiful area - Liddlesdale, Eskdale, Annandale, Annandale and Nithsdale (marking the border with Kirkcudbrightshire) - lie in the great valleys running south into the Solway Firth. Each dale has its own charms. Liddlesdale was once part of the "Debateable Lands" - a haunt of the most lawless. Annandale forms the main route from Glasgow to the south. Dumfries itself, on the banks of the Nith, lies on the border with Kirkcudbrightshire and is well known as the final home of Robert Burns. The many lochs and rivers of Dumfriesshire and rich in fish, with excellent trout and salmon fishing in season.